Revision Guide

Exam time has arrived! Are you feeling overwhelmed and under pressure to focus? Anyone can suffer from exam stress, but if you feel that it is getting all too much then some of the tips below may help to relieve the pressure.

General exam stress-busting tips

Don't just worry - take action!

If you don't understand some of your course material, getting stressed out won't help. Instead, take action by seeing your teacher or asking your class mates to help you understand the problem.

Don't put yourself under too much pressure

Aim to do your best but recognise that if you think that "anything less than A* means I've failed" then you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself.

Tips for the revision period

Time is of the essence!

Boost your confidence and reduce any pre-exam stress by avoiding last minute cramming. Leaving plenty of time to revise means you know you have prepared well. You should have worked out a revision timetable so that you can make sure that you are spending equal amounts of time revising for each subject.

Play is as important as work.

Make sure that you build in time to have fun and relax in between study sessions. Develop a timetable so that you can track and monitor your progress.

Take a break

As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break - go for a walk, talk to a friend or just listen to some music. Then you will feel refreshed and able to concentrate on your revision again.

Another cuppa? Don't think so

Don't drink too much coffee, tea and fizzy drinks; the caffeine will make you feel 'keyed-up' and make your thinking less clear. Drink lots of water or unsweetened fruit juice.

Eat some 'superfoods'

Eat healthily and regularly; your brain will benefit from the nutrients. Replace sweets and sugar with foods such as berries, bananas, oily fish, nuts and broccoli. These foods can help boost your concentration, energy and mood. Try making a fruit smoothie... all you need is a banana, some strawberries and some milk!

A change is as good as a rest

Experiment with several alternative revision techniques so that revision is more fun and your motivation to study is high.

Check out these revision techniques:

Give your body a workout (as well as your mind).

Regular moderate exercise such as a brisk walk, swim or session in the gym will boost your energy, clear your mind and help reduce any feelings of stress.

Tips for keeping calm during the exam

Try to avoid panic

It's natural to feel some exam nerves prior to starting the exam and that can be a positive and motivating feeling. However, getting excessively nervous is counterproductive as it hinders your ability to think clearly.

Breathe deep

The quickest and most effective way of eliminating feelings of stress and panic is to close your eyes and take several long, slow deep breaths. Breathing in this way calms your whole nervous system.

Mind gone blank?

If your mind goes blank, don't panic - it just makes it harder to recall information. Instead, focus on slow, deep breathing for about one minute. If you still can't remember the information then move on to another question and return to this question later.

Don't dwell on past exams

Don't spend too much time focusing on where you think you went wrong. Often we are our own harshest critics. Congratulate yourself for the things you did right, learn from the bits where you know you could have done better, and then move on.


  1. Use a revision timetable so that you cover all topics you're being examined on
  2. Eat breakfast every day and especially on the day of your exam
  3. Drink lots of water
  4. Snack on healthy foods that will give you energy
  5. Try to get some exercise