
QK operates within a Discipline Framework drawn up by Governors in consultation with parents, guardians and teachers. Below is an outline of its key elements. Copies of the Framework are available from the Policy Documents page. School Rules are summarised in The QK Way.

We expect good behaviour, both in the classroom and outside. This is essential to support our school aim and ethos. We encourage good behaviour and punish the bad. Good behaviour includes coming properly equipped to lessons on time and working to the best of one's ability. We expect everyone to show respect for others throughout the school whether they are students, teachers, support staff or visitors, and to behave in appropriate ways.

A partnership with students' families is essential to achieving our goals. Parents and guardians are kept informed about their children's behaviour - both good and bad - via Students' Diaries, Progress Reviews, Parents' Evenings and in other ways. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with your child's Tutor.

There are some circumstances where we require parents and guardians to come in to school to help us deal with a serious problem or when a student fails to behave despite repeated sanctions. Students may not return after a Fixed Term Exclusion until a parent or guardian is seen, and students in danger of being Permanently Excluded are given a final warning by the Head-teacher with a parent or guardian present. Please see our performance statistics for the numbers.

We offer REWARDS for

  • Effort
  • Achievement
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Contributions to a class
  • Contributions to a year
  • Academic progress

We apply SANCTIONS for

  • Lateness to school
  • Lateness to lessons
  • Poor behaviour in lessons
  • Bad behaviour anywhere

If sanctions do not solve the problem, there follows an escalating range of penalties from a School Detention taken by a Senior Teacher through Fixed Term Exclusions of several days to, finally, a Permanent Exclusion.