Getting Involved to Support Learning

The amount parents support their children at home will have a direct bearing on their progress in school. There are many ways in which parents can help support their child's learning such as:

  • Close working relationship with form tutor and teachers.
  • Ensure homework diaries are complete and work is handed in correctly.
  • Seek advice from teachers and specialist staff on pupil progress.
  • Attending parent's evening, progress review and other meetings.
  • Understanding how the school works and the targets set for your child in each subject.
  • Understanding the interventions available and their impact on learning.
  • Visit school to meet staff.
  • Supervising revision /study at home.
  • Encouraging independent reading at home.

Here in Student Support, we try to go the extra mile to keep parents informed. Managers, LSTs and LSAs build good working relationships with parents and carers by maintaining regular contact.

Many Student Support interventions require that parents are contacted on a daily or weekly basis to provide updates on student progress. Other interventions require target cards to be shown and signed on a daily basis.

Advice to parents from the various areas of Student Support is also made available via the internet and Fronter web pages.